now I realized I started this blog assuming everybody knows what PATSTAT is.
This is unfair, for many years I was unaware of PATSTAT and lived very happy...
Anyway: PATSTAT stands for EPO Worldwide Patent Statistical Database: created by EPO for use by government/intergovernmental organizations and academic institutions.
Contains a snapshot of the EPO master documentation database (DOCDB) which contains data of about 90 national and international patent offices with different degree of coverage.
Data include bibliographic data, citations and family links. This database is designed to be used for statistical research and requires the data to be loaded in the customer's own database (basically data are the same of DocDB but some fields have been added to make easier to retrieve statistical data like extra address information extracted from US and EP registers and standardized names).
Detailed coverage information:$File/global_patent_data_coverage_0709.pdf$File/PFS_0944.xls
Patent information received at EPO from national patent offices, are made available. For many countries data are received on a weekly basis, for other countries it is delayed. The above PDF document sheds some light on this delays.
The database is constructed with a relational structure, containing 20 different tables. The compressed raw data is around 10 Gb (distributed in 3 DVDs) and once loaded into a database it can rise up to 100Gb (indexes included).