Monday, April 27, 2015

Patstat revisited

Allow me a post of self advertisment:

just to announce PATSTAT revisited, IDE Discussion Papers No.527,

written by me and Byeongwoo Kang from IDE-JETRO.

This study provides a comprehensive summary of and guidance for using the EPO Worldwide Patent Statistical Database (PATSTAT), one of the most widely used patent databases for researchers. We highlight the three most important issues that PATSTAT users must consider when performing patent data analyses and suggest ways to deal with those issues. Although PATSTAT is chosen in this study, the issues that we discuss are also applicable to other patent databases.

Keywords: PATSTAT, patent data analysis, innovation studies
JEL classification: O39, Y20, Z00

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Presentations from Information tools for IP & Intelligence Meeting

Some interesting topics have been developed @ Information tools for IP & Intelligence Meeting last 26 and 27 march, like:

The Analytic Challenges Posed by Big Data

Patent Analysis and Visualisation: Today’s Challenges and Opportunities

Interpreting Visualisations - White Paper

Using a Maturity Model Framework when Applying IP Business Intelligence -White Paper

Big Data: A new Paradigm for Intellectual Property

“Marine Renewable Energy”: A new Case Study. How to handle Patents, Journal Articles and Financial Information to get the Full Picture

Patent Mining for Automated Innovation Research, Problem Solving and Technology Transfer

These and other presentations (most of them are IP management products showcases) can be downloaded from: