Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reclassification of G01Q IPC

In september 2010 Patstat data we find a 'new' IPC class, starting with G01Q.



Such code was not previously reclassified, so, thanks to the suggestions of Emmanuelle Fortune from CEPS,
G01Q could be classified in the new Wipo35 technology classification as follows:

(G01Q# not G01Q70/12) in the number 12 "control" (that was class 7 (Technologies for Control/Measures/Analysis) in OST 30 reclassification)

G01Q70/12 in the number 22 "Micro-structure and nano-technology" (that was class 5 (semicond+nanotech) in OST 30)

You can download from this link OST30 reclassification in XLS format, updated with G01Q.