ESF-APE-INV 3rd “Name Game” workshop
Brussels, 5-6 september 2011
Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles &
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Economic & Applied Economic Sciences
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Economic & Applied Economic Sciences
The 3rd “Name Game” workshop on patent data will be held jointly in Brussels and Leuven, on September 5-6, 2011, as part of the APE-INV project, sponsored by the European Science Foundation ( It builds upon the success of previous events that took place in Paris (November 2009) and Madrid (December 2010), also as part of the APE-INV project. It aims at convening several researchers interested into building inventor-based patent datasets, which requires solving a number of technical problems and exchanging data and expertise. It will be take place on the new premises of the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Campus du Solbosch, Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 42.
The ultimate goal of the initiative is that of building an open-access, inventor-based patent database connected to PatStat, the EPO Worldwide Patent Statistical Database (
Participation to the workshop is on invitation. This call is meant for circulation among groups and invididual scholars who are known to be interested in the subject. Researchers who have not yet received an invitation, but are interested to join the workshop, are encouraged to contact the organizers. The event has limited funding, so it will not be possible to reimburse every participant's expenses (details on funding availability will be provided by the organizers on an individual basis).
Presentations will be either dedicated to:
- the general theme of disambiguation of inventors' names in patent data, including follow-ups from the “APE-INV Challenge: Testing and Assembling Algorithms for Inventor Names’ Cleaning” (see:; contact Michele Pezzoni <> for enquiries).
- the specific theme of relationship between results from APE-INV disambiguation activities and PatStat, including strategies for producing an APE-INV inventor database, linking it up to future PatStat releases, and collecting feedbacks from users
- applications to the core theme of the APE-INV project, namely academic patenting.
Provisional programme (June 3; TBA are open slots; more slots can be added)
Monday 5/9/2011 | 11-11.30 | Welcome and opening remarks (B. van Pottelsberghe, F.Lissoni) |
11.30-13.00 | The APE-INV inventor database - Francesco Lissoni: "The APE-INV inventor database: multiple solutions and feedbacks from users" - Michele Pezzoni: "EPO inventors according to Massacrator" - Andrea Maurino: “EPO inventors according to SameDude" | |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch | |
14.00-15.30 | Disambiguation of inventors: further experiences - Lee Fleming: "The Patent Network Dataverse" (tbc) - Stéphane Maraut & Catalina Martinez: "Disambiguating Spanish inventors" (tbc) - Yusuke Naito: "Disambiguating Japanese inventors" (tbc) | |
15.30-16.00 | Coffee break | |
16.00-17.30 | Academic Patenting /1 - Cornelia Meissner: "Academic patenting in the UK" (tbc) - Anja Schon: "Academic patenting in Germany" (tbc) - TBA | |
19.30 | ||
Tuesday 6/9/2011 | 9.00-10.30 | Academic Patenting /2 -Natalia Zinovyeva “University Effects on Regional Innovation” - TBA - TBA |
10.30-11 | Coffee break | |
11.30-12.30 | - Roundtable discussion on technical issues, including: 1) linking APE-INV to PatStat 2) Merging APE-INV and NSF inventor data 3) Feedbacks from users | |
12.30-13.30 | Lunch | |
13.30-16.00 | SC meeting (restricted to members of the APE-INV Steeering Committee) |
Andrea Maurino – Univ. Milano‐Bicocca (IT)
Anja Schon – Technical University Munich (DE)
Bart Van Looy – APE/INV Steer. Committee (BE)
Bianca Poti – CERIS CNR (IT)
Bruno van Pottelsberghe ‐ APE/INV Steer. Committee (BE)
Catalina Martinez – APE/INV Steer. Committee (ES)
Cornelia Meissner ‐ BRICK, University of Torino (IT)
Francesco Lissoni – APE/INV Steer. Committee (IT)
Gianluca Tarasconi – KITES‐Univ. Bocconi, Milano (IT)
Guido Buenstorf – University of Kassel (DE)
Helene Dernis – OECD (FR)
Jerome Daungy ‐ Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE)
Lee Fleming - Harvard Business School (US)
Lorenzo Cassi – CES ‐ University Paris 1 and OST (FR)
Malwina Mejer – Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE)
Matthijs Den Besten ‐ Ecole Polytechnique (FR)
Maureen McKelvey – University of Gothenburg (SE)
Michele Pezzoni – KITES‐Univ.Bocconi, Milan (IT)
Monica Coffano – University Bocconi, Milan (IT)
Natalia Zinovyeva – IPP‐CSIC (ES)
Nicolas van Zeebroeck - Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE)
Sonja Radas – Institute of Economics Zagreb (HR)
Stephane Lhuillery – APE/INV Steer. Committee (CH)
Stephane Maraut – IT consultant (FR)
Xiaoyan Song - KUL (B)
Yusuke Naito - Hitotsubashi University (JP)