Monday, December 14, 2015

IT Jobs offers in IP word

I made a small list of link to webpages of ip entities where they offer jobs for IT people.
Obviously most of the offers are for attorneys, examiners etc but some space for data analists, DBA etc still exists.

Here the full list

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Amended PATSTAT 2015b files

 EPO a few days ago forwarded this communication to patstat users

as announced last month in the letter for the PATSTAT Autumn edition, we are no ready to distribute the updated and corrected tables.

You might recall that a minor inconsistency of the NPL citation data was observed when the PATSTAT Autumn 2015 edition was compiled.  This inconsistency effected however a substantial number of other tables which need to be replaced as well. (For example: tls201_appln has a pre-calculated attribute NB_CITING_DOCDB_FAM which was not correct because of the missing citations.)

We have now updated the affected tables and they are available for download via this link: [link omitted]

In case you experience problems with the download, kindly contact us via .

At the given link it is possible to download a  6.9 Gb zip file containing tls201, 211, 212, 214 and 228

Then you can reload them into your database.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Searching patent litigations

Surfing within patent legal data is not very easy, even if register data can do the job for EPO and for USPTO some free access data are available.

the site:

allows to use a easy interface for searching patent litigation procedures for USPTO.
A plus for this engine is the implementation of entity disambiguation and group structure that allows also to search by ultimate parent.

Thanks to Davide Cannito for reporting this website.

Mysql upload scripts for Patstat 2015b

Following the many changes that took place in 2015b, at this link you can download the new scripts

It's possible to download my scripts for mysql allowing to upload the majority of tables from ediction 2015a of patstat;

Please note I uploaded the new TLS906 in TLS206 in order to make smoother the db steps that follow the import of patstat data.

For a list of changes, please see the post at this link