Gender studies has become more and more an important issue in innovation studies.
This means to be able to tag inventors with gender, that is not a trivial task.
Two recently released tools might be helpful in this task.
First one: recently UKIPO released Gender profiles in worldwide patenting: An analysis of female inventorship where it's possible to download not only the research paper but also a name-gender dataset and a gender inference table; they are directly linked to PATSTAT via Person_id, based on autumn 2016 version.
Last but not least PCT released Identifying the gender of PCT inventors; the paper analyzes the gender of inventors in international patent applications and compile a worldwide gender-name dictionary, which includes 6.2 million names for 182 different countries to disambiguate the gender of PCT inventors. Gender Name Dictionary, tables and data are available for download.
This means to be able to tag inventors with gender, that is not a trivial task.
Two recently released tools might be helpful in this task.
First one: recently UKIPO released Gender profiles in worldwide patenting: An analysis of female inventorship where it's possible to download not only the research paper but also a name-gender dataset and a gender inference table; they are directly linked to PATSTAT via Person_id, based on autumn 2016 version.
Last but not least PCT released Identifying the gender of PCT inventors; the paper analyzes the gender of inventors in international patent applications and compile a worldwide gender-name dictionary, which includes 6.2 million names for 182 different countries to disambiguate the gender of PCT inventors. Gender Name Dictionary, tables and data are available for download.