at this link is possible to download a batch of scripts for MySQL that will allow you to upload new PATSTAT edition spring 2018.
This release has some improvements as:
* Table TLS201_APPLN: a new attribute name “RECEIVING_OFFICE” has been added. This means now PCT applications have "WO" as application authority, and the previous value is shifted to the new field.
* Table TLS212_CITATION: Euro-PCT applications did not have the citations from the international search report linked to the respective application (and publication). These are the so called A0 publications. To avoid this, EPO simply duplicated the citations from the international search report, and linked them to the respective EP publications.
* Table TLS231_INPADOC_LEGLA_STATUS: a new attribute EVENT_ID has been added to serve as a primary key to this table.
This release has some improvements as:
* Table TLS201_APPLN: a new attribute name “RECEIVING_OFFICE” has been added. This means now PCT applications have "WO" as application authority, and the previous value is shifted to the new field.
* Table TLS212_CITATION: Euro-PCT applications did not have the citations from the international search report linked to the respective application (and publication). These are the so called A0 publications. To avoid this, EPO simply duplicated the citations from the international search report, and linked them to the respective EP publications.
* Table TLS231_INPADOC_LEGLA_STATUS: a new attribute EVENT_ID has been added to serve as a primary key to this table.