Friday, April 20, 2018

PATSTAT spring 2018 MySQL upload scripts

at this link is possible to download a batch of scripts for MySQL that will allow you to upload new PATSTAT edition spring 2018.

This release has some improvements as:

* Table TLS201_APPLN: a new attribute name “RECEIVING_OFFICE” has been added. This means now PCT applications have "WO" as application authority, and the previous value is shifted to the new field.

* Table TLS212_CITATION: Euro-PCT applications did not have the citations from the international search report linked to the respective application (and publication). These are the so called A0 publications. To avoid this, EPO simply duplicated the citations from the international search report, and linked them to the respective EP publications.

* Table TLS231_INPADOC_LEGLA_STATUS: a new attribute EVENT_ID has been added to serve as a primary key to this table.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Welcome back REGPAT (+ MySQL upload scripts)

After a couple of years OECD released a new version of REGPAT, the PATSTAT plug and play extension that provides for EP and PCT person_ids an efficient NUTSIFICATION.
This edition provides regional data for 45 countries, exceeding thus the classing EU28 by adding AU, CA, ZA, US etc.
NUTS version is 2013, only London NUTS remained to version 2010.

At this link are available my MySQL scripts for uploading the tables.

Along with REGPAT also are available, by filling the form at web page:

the following datasets from OECD

OECD Patent Quality Indicators Database (series of indicators capturing the technological and economic value of EPO and USPTO patents);
OECD Triadic Patent Families Database (set of patents jointly filed at EPO, JPO and USPTO);
OECD Citations Database (references to patent and non-patent literature cited in EPO, USPTO or PCT patents);
OECD HAN database (harmonised patent applicants’ names).

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Patentsview PATSTAT concordance

The PatentsView initiative was established in 2012 and is a platform built on a newly developed database that longitudinally links inventors, their organizations, locations, and overall patenting activity. The platform uses data derived from USPTO bulk data files.

This dataset complements perfectly PATSTAT since the former has an native disambiguation of inventors and applicants and a geocoding system applied to inventors and applicants, while the latter links US data to other offices, allowing to calculate knowledge spillovers, family data etc.

At this link is possible to download a table of concordance between patent_id (Patentsview main key) and appln_id (from PATSTAT) and some basic statistics.
[update the link now contains the link to march2019 version.

Overlapping of the two datasets is not perfect since Patentsview contains only granted patents after 1975, where PATSTAT has also application (ungranted) and timeframe covers also pre-1975 data.
On the other hand PATSTAT misses design patents before 2001,  plants before 2001 and 'statutory invention registration' type of patent.

Data are from PATSTAT october 2017 and Patentsview dec 2017, thus also 2017 data in PW are partially missing in PATSTAT.