Friday, September 21, 2018

Google dataset search

Recently Google launced a new service aiming to index local, public and national data repositories: Google Dataset Search.

Dataset Search lets you find datasets wherever they’re hosted, whether it’s a publisher's site, a digital library, or an author's personal web page.

Google also developed guidelines for dataset providers to describe their data in a way that search engines can better understand the content of their pages.

The approach is based on an open standard for describing this information ( and anybody who publishes data can describe their dataset this way.

The engine also links, where possible, the dataset to Google Scholar articles using them.

Full story @ link

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How to build indicators from PATSTAT step by step

A presentation I prepared about how to build a patents based indicator (Patents orìiginality) step by step for EPO PATSTAT avoiding most common pitfalls, included commented SQL code
hope you will find it useful

Thursday, September 13, 2018

MySQL upload scripts for EEE-PPAT 2018a

EEE-PPAT table is an extension of the PERSON TABLE (TLS206) produced by ECOOM (Catholic University of Leuven) and Eurostat. The extension concerns sector allocation and name harmonization of applicants.

2018a version contains 56611335 records, and it has improvements for standard names and sector, compared to PATSTAT ediction.

It can be required at no cost by contacting

MySql script I created for uploading the table can be downloaded here