Monday, May 31, 2010

patstat: counting applications by patent office

This is an answer to a very simple question: how many patent offices are listed in patstat and how many applications from each of them?
By aggregating the data we get the table I'm posting here below, containing 174 application authorities (data from 10/2009 patstat version). When considering instead only those who have more than 1000 applications, the figure decreases to 78 patent offices.
Some will notice that among the 174 the achronim WO (WIPO/PCT patent office) does not appear. This is because WO pubblications always result from an application to a local patent office (domestic or EP) where the PCT procedure is applied. The extent of this practice will be subject of one further post.


AE 36
AF 1
AL 3
AM 147
AN 2
AP 4742
AR 79581
AT 1028408
AU 1553990
AZ 105
BA 344
BB 5
BD 9
BE 642989
BG 53602
BH 1
BI 9
BO 10
BR 496326
BS 2
BW 1
BX 105
BY 761
BZ 1
CA 2580140
CG 3
CH 1055204
CI 2
CL 4453
CM 7
CN 2803867
CO 222
CR 379
CS 166312
CU 2843
CY 2621
CZ 66921
DD 266209
DE 6792342
DK 429570
DM 12
DO 191
DZ 1547
EA 13114
EC 4949
EE 6251
EG 11450
EM 4254
EP 2388584
ER 6
ES 902689
FI 271371
FR 2917043
GA 2
GB 3319126
GC 420
GD 3
GE 186
GH 7
GI 5
GM 10
GN 8
GR 97444
GT 1301
HK 69450
HN 10
HR 11297
HT 7
HU 137061
IB 65369
ID 14768
IE 91248
IL 160970
IN 66238
IQ 14
IR 88
IS 7797
IT 708724
JM 6
JO 22
JP 16282860
KE 1392
KG 19
KP 60
KR 1659443
KZ 477
LB 109
LI 22
LK 152
LR 3
LS 3
LT 3651
LU 68491
LV 4835
LY 2
MA 10092
MC 2789
MD 4586
MG 1
MK 87
MN 246
MO 1
MR 1
MT 566
MU 7
MW 739
MX 162007
MY 11106
NE 3
NG 19
NI 207
NL 607873
NN 4
NO 226939
NP 2
NR 2
NZ 109638
OA 12934
OM 1
PA 2108
PE 431
PH 23261
PK 147
PL 233730
PT 81034
PY 12
RH 40
RO 61095
RS 73
RU 394084
SA 73
SB 1
SC 1
SD 67
SE 831377
SG 51063
SH 1
SI 17619
SK 23261
SL 2
SM 44
SN 10
SO 1
SR 3
ST 1
SU 1249050
SV 692
SY 44
SZ 4
TH 260
TJ 375
TM 2
TN 269
TR 42800
TT 52
TW 369739
TZ 1
UA 50213
US 11376401
UY 6573
UZ 53
VA 6
VE 100
VN 240
WO 5065
XH 1242
XP 16
YE 1
YU 33687
ZA 256542
ZM 2742
ZR 1
ZW 2909


Peter Braun said...

Dear Gianluca,
you notice that among the achronim we can't find WO but IB that according to the WIPO recommended standards means International Bureau of WIPO.

"The code “IB” is used in relation to the receipt of international applications under the PCT filed with the International Bureau of WIPO in its capacity as a PCT receiving Office"

GL said...

hi peter
thanks for posting, I'll investigate further on it!

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