Thursday, April 14, 2011

PATSTAT NEWS april 2011 ediction

These are EPO PATSTAT News for new ediction of april 2011:

- APPLN_ID (element 13): with this edition, we have populated APPLN_ID with the "doc-id" identifier from the DOCDB database instead of creating a PATSTAT- edition specific surrogate key. "doc-id" is a stable and unique identifier, making it easy to link to other EPO raw data products. This attribute will remain the same across future PATSTAT editions and will always refer to the same combination of application authority, application number and application kind. The range reserved for artificial applications created in PATSTAT for unpublished (or unknown) priority applications and citations not available in DOCDB starts with 900,000,001.

- TLS221_INPADOC_PRS: we now have an extra table available that contains the INPADOC legal status data (the "INPADOC legal status tab" in Espacenet uses the same data source). This table is NOT part of the standard PATSTAT distribution. If you wish to use it, you will need to purchase product 14.11: INPADOC Worldwide legal status (PRS) backfile edition (more information:

- TLS209_APPLN_IPC: as of January 2011, the Core level of the IPC was abandoned and the IPC now contains only one set of symbols (the Advanced level). This has led to a drastic reduction of records in the tls209 table. However, some countries still assign Core level IPC symbols (sometimes in combination with an Advanced level), and we have retained those symbols in PATSTAT.

IMPORTANT! PATSTAT users who have queries making use of the Advanced/Core IPC_CLASS_LEVEL (element 046) will need to be careful when comparing the results of queries with previous releases of PATSTAT.

Future developments (preliminary):

- Claim count for US and EP patent publications.
- Improved coverage for name data (for FR, GB, ES and PCT applications).
- ISA (International Search Authority) information added (name of the authority).

EPO PATSTAT - online:
We invite EPO PATSTAT subscribers to participate in beta-testing the newly developed online EPO PATSTAT database, which is part of the "Patent Information Services for Experts" ( You can use the new tool to query the database with SQL and display the results in pre-defined graphics.
You can specify the display parameters and create various visualisation analyses. The SQL syntax is limited and the tool is still in development.
Please write to to participate in the beta-testing.

Conference: Patent Statistics for Decision Makers
Please make a note in your calendar: on 15-17 November 2011, the USPTO will host the Patent Statistics for Decision Makers Conference, in co-operation with the OECD, EPO, Eurostat, JPO, and WIPO. The conference will be held in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, a short subway ride away from Washington, DC. The pre-conference workshop, the place for PATSTAT subscribers to exchange user experiences, will be held on the 15 November in the afternoon.

More information: and .
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us via .

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