Wednesday, March 31, 2010

European Classification scheme to be released in patstat april 2010

As announced at the Patent Statistics conference in Vienna 2009, PATSTAT should get an update by getting European Classification scheme (ECLA).
Recently Geert Boedt , from patstat helpdesk, announced in patstat forum this change will take palce in april 2010.
The way it will happen is through table TLS217_APPLN_I_CLS (contining previously national classifications like for MX, US...) to TLS217_APPLN_ECLA.
Four schemes are planned:
    EC - known as ECLA, the European Classification scheme.
    ICO- In Computer Only - an internal scheme used by the EPO for classifications which are planned for moving into ECLA at some stage
    IDT - Indeling der Techniek , an old Dutch Patent Classification scheme.
    ECNO - ECLA symbols which have been allocated to a document by a patent examiner who does not work for the EPO.

Validation of scientific articles with zotero

In order to complete the previous post, I uploaded a couple of videos; they show out how to search and import in zotero a scientific article found in google scholar, and then how to export it in Bibtex (and then straight into Jabref).

I start from an access DB containing a batch of records I had to clean & validate so I decided to use google scholar as parse & validation tool. Then Zotero & Jabref did the rest.



Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Creating a scientific literature database with zotero and jabref

If we need to create a database of our own, for scientific literature, without going through the expensive services of Thomson, Elsevier or other data provider, there are some wonderful (and free of cost) tools who may help.

Let's figure we need to create/validate a list of scientific articles references; an easy way could be to use google scholar, by looking for the articole/journal title.
Ok, then?
Then we may use zotero, a firefox extension that help in collecting and managing data of articles and supports export in formats like Bibtex, refer, RIS and many others.
In other words, zotero is nothing but an xtml parser, able to recognize from the webpage what kind of publication (book, article, webpage, proceeding) is facing, and download the relevant informations.

After zotero, in order to handle better and have even more export forrmats (like MySQL fi) I suggest to use jabref, another free tool, that can be feeded from Zotero by exporting data in Bibtex.

With the two of them we can build and handle any dimension of scientific literature DB

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

EPO patenting activity by NUTS3

Recently I had to create a benchmark for the patenting activity on EPO patents (based on patstat 10/2009) by weighting each patent by inventors' nuts3.

The result was someway amazing 'cause it seems that the TOP25 (I'm publishing below here) has many EU areas in a higher position than the first US area. The first EU area is from Holland, not from Germany as we could expect from te total count of patents...

JPC13 JP 102503,082 TOKYO
JPF27 JP 32278,605 OSAKA
NL414 NL 22388,468 EINDHOVEN
JPE23 JP 22307,48 AICHI
FR101 FR 21689,393 PARIS
DE212 DE 16782,779 MUNCHEN
JPC11 JP 16390,328 SAITAMA
JPF28 JP 14888,869 KOBE
ITC45 IT 14030,154 MILANO
JPC08 JP 13297,203 YOKOHAMA
JPC12 JP 11934,707 CHIBA
25017 US 11879,31 FRAMINGHAM/ACTON
SE010 SE 11489,587 STOCKHOLM
KR013 KR 11158,808 SUWON-SI
JPC22 JP 11031,511 SHIZUOKA
CH040 CH 10752,436 ZURICH
36055 US 10563,428 ROCHESTER
DE300 DE 10329,677 BERLIN
06037 US 10057,301 REDONDO
JPF26 JP 9562,31 KYOTO
06085 US 9378,459 MOUNTAIN VIEW
FR714 FR 8711,347 GRENOBLE
FR103 FR 8603,364 VERSAILLES

Friday, March 12, 2010

a VBA function counting chars

It may happen to find in some data sources more than one occurence of a data type inside the same field, separated by a special char.
But in many cases that  char may be not so special and be misguiding when trasposing the field.
Let's take as example Thomson SDC database, where in the alliance name you find the alliance participants names separated by the / char.
Obviously the / char may also be integral part of some participant name; so we need to count the occurrence of the / char in order to compare it to the number of partipants indicated in the same record in order to do futher cleaning, if needed.

So I wrote a small DBA function called CHARCOUNT, and I'm posting it here

Function charcount(inputstring As String, findstring As String)
' return the number of occurrences of findstring in inputstring

Dim a$, b$
Dim c, i As Integer

a$ = inputstring
b$ = findstring

c = 0
For i = 1 To Len(a$) - Len(b$) + 1
    If Mid(a$, i, Len(b$)) = b$ Then
        c = c + 1
    End If

charcount = c

End Function
Function charcount(inputstring As String, findstring As String)
' return the number of occurrences of findstring in inputstring

Dim a$, b$
Dim c, i As Integer

a$ = inputstring
b$ = findstring

c = 0
For i = 1 To Len(a$) - Len(b$) + 1
    If Mid(a$, i, Len(b$)) = b$ Then
        c = c + 1
    End If

charcount = c

End Function

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Introducing chinese patents into PATSTAT

PATSTAT documentation says the raw data cover more than 90 patent office.
The question is how, and at what extent. In this post I start an investigation about SIPO patents that will last for some weeks.

The EPO’s co-operation with the State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China (SIPO) is based on an agreement signed on 11 June 1985. An EPO-SIPO Joint Committee meets once a year to review relations and approve the following year’s program of activities. The co-operation was significantly enhanced in 1997 when EPOQUE ( an international search database for patents)  was made available to SIPO.
The overall objective is to facilitate trade between China and Europe by supporting China’s efforts to develop a modern and effective system for IPR protection. EPO aims to improve the quality of SIPO work as the Chinese patent system expands. 

To ensure equal quality standards of granted patents , the majority of the SIPO's 2,000+ patent examiners have been trained by the EPO. An additional 60 examiners per year receive training at EPO centres in The Hague, Munich and Vienna.

Since mid-1990s, the SIPO adopted the EPOQUE system,and as a result compatibility of archived patent information is now the basis of all digital data exchange.

EPO and the SIPO share patent databases with synchronization at weekly intervals. The SIPO has also recently opened its 32 000-entry database on traditional Chinese medicine to the EPO and its member states.

Here is a selection of the most relevant INPADOC-Newsletters referring to Chinese patent data, kind codes and number formats used in the INPADOC database (the links below are pointing to PDF files):
Newsflash 2005/16: Completion of Load of Backlogged Chinese Data (PDF)
Inpadoc Patent Gazette Newsletter 01/05 (PDF)
Inpadoc Patent Gazette Newsletter 02/04 (PDF)
Newsflash 2005/05: New CN Application number format and updates of Chinese bibliographic data (PDF)
Newsflash 2005/02: Change in kind codes of Chinese documents (PDF)
IPG-Newsletter 99/10: Translation of PCT application into Chinese language (PDF)
Newsflash 2005/25: Chinese application numbers (continued) (PDF)
Newsflash 2006/14: Reload of Chinese A, C and Y documents intended for the inclusion of Chinese language elements (PDF)
Newsflash 2004/17: Legal Status Data from Hong Kong (PDF)
Patent Information Supplement 09/2009
Newsflash 11/2009: Chinese legal status data in the EPO INPADOC database
Newsflash 11a/2009: Chinese legal status data in the EPO INPADOC database (update)
IPG-Newsletter 3/2005

Also EPO FAQ about china patents may be useful
In mid-2009, the EPO has started uploading English legal status data for both Chinese patents and utility models documents as part of the INPADOC legal status information in esp@cenet.
The data upload commenced in week 18/2009;  the collection should include over 6.7 million records and cover all Chinese legal status events for patent and utility model applications in China dating back to October 1985.
You can obtain legal status information in English via the Chinese Patent Office's (SIPO) databases on the China Intellectual Property Net . All the above-mentioned sources there is a time delay of several months for legal status information in English.

data from SIPO: Annual Applications for Patents 

Year Total
1999 134239
2000 170682
2001 203573
2002 252631
2003 308487
2004 353807
2005 476264
2006 573178

in forthcoming posts we're going to analise the coverage in PATSTAT against such figures

European patents and patent applications - statistics 2008:
Patent Information News 2/2009:

Thanks for help in collecting the information to Kun Fu